Bokjung is second map in the Chunjo kingdom, usually referd to as Map 2. Meet new mobs and new players in this new area!
In this map meet human being-well-behaved monsters like e.g. Savage General, Savage Minion and that Bestial Captain!
If you need supplies, in Map 2 city you can also find General Store, the Weapon Shop Dealer, the Blacksmith, the Armour Shop Dealer and the Storekeeper!
Harta Interactivă
- Ariyoung (408,581)
- Armour Shop Dealer (471,608)
- Battle Bailiff (478,633)
- Blacksmith (423,618)
- Deokbae (466,321)
- General Store (422,608)
- Guardian (458,631)
- Harang (582,584)
- Huahn-So (419,563)
- Nakajima (481,298)
- Old Lady (487,666)
- Old Man (100,150)
- Peddler (397,302)
- Peddler (wedding items) (628,723)
- Stable Boy (548,588)
- Storekeeper (430,574)
- Taurean (474,684)
- Teleporter (500,575)
- Traitor Balso (541,620)
- Weapon Shop Dealer (450,608)
- Yang-Shin (563,602)
- Yu-Hwan (415,637)
- Yu-Rang (548,562)
Alte informații
Distribuție Monștri
Zona de spawn a metinelor
Zone de Legătură
Se poate ajunge de la Bătrân în:
Se poate ajunge de la Teleporter în:
From level 60 to:
From level 90 to: