General information
Yang is the currency of Metin2, in other games known as gold or coins. The more Yang you have, you can get more or better items. Yang is usually dropped by Monsters , and you can receives recieve it also from fulfilling Quests.
However you can also make yang by selling items - either to NPC or on the market.
Yangbomb (sau altfel numit jackpot) se întâmplă atunci cand un monstru are un drop de yang mai mare decât de obicei.
Abrevieri pentru Yang
- 1.000 Yang = 1k
- 10.000 Yang = 10k
- 100.000 Yang = 100k
- 1.000.000 Yang = 1M (or 1kk)
- 10.000.000 Yang= 10M (or 10kk)
- 100.000.000 Yang= 100M (or 100kk)
- Yang= 1B
- Yang= 100B
- K = Mie (kk = Milion)
- M = Milion
- B = Miliard