Cizme de piele: Diferență între versiuni

[versiune verificată][versiune verificată]
(Pagină nouă: <noinclude>{{AV!}}</noinclude> {{Subpage|Metin2Wiki|[[:Category:{{{Type}}}|{{{Type}}}]]}} <table width="800" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border: 1px solid...)
(Nu s-au afișat 26 de versiuni intermediare efectuate de alți 9 utilizatori)
Linia 1: Linia 1:
{{Subpage|[[Main Page|Metin2Wiki]]|[[:Category:{{{Type}}}|{{{Type}}}]]}}
<table width="800" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border: 1px solid #88283a; border-top-left-radius: 10px; border-top-right-radius: 10px; box-shadow:2px 2px 5px #000000; background: #88283a;">
<!-- Type of item - accepted values: Helms Shoes Shields-->
<td colspan="3" style="font-size: 14px; color: #f0d9a2; padding: 5px 5px 5px 10px;">'''{{PAGENAME}}'''
<!-- Level of item - accepted values: Level or level interval in ## - ## format -->
<tr style="background: #f1e5c9;">
<td valign="top" align="center" width="250px" style="padding-left: 20px;">
<!-- Classes that can use this item accepted values are warrior ; ninja ; shaman ; sura ; 3 (for warrior ninja and sura) ; 4 for all classes-->
  <div align="center" style="width: 150px; border: 1px solid #35215f; border-bottom-left-radius: 10px; border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; box-shadow:2px 2px 5px #000000; background: #35215f; color: #dadada; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;">Images</div>
<td> </td>
<!-- Price at NPC -->
<td valign="top" align="center" width="100%">
|Price=Indisponibil la [[NPC]]
  <div align="center" style="width: 220px; border: 1px solid #35215f; border-bottom-left-radius: 10px; border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; box-shadow:2px 2px 5px #000000; background: #35215f; color: #dadada; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;">Information</div>
*Pot fi găsiți cu ajutorul {{Ti|Sticlă de Negoț}} la '''Bijuterii- Pantofi'''
<!-- origin of item -->
  <tr style="background: #f1e5c9;">
  <td align="center" style="padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;">
[[File:{{PAGENAME}}.png]] {{Ti2|height=1|{{PAGENAME}}}}
*'''Pietre Metin:''' -
*'''Monștrii:''' [[Tigru]], [[Tristul Se-Rang]], [[Pho-Hwan de atac rău]], [[Mahon]], [[Posedat Brutal]], [[Arcaș Brutal]], [[Soldat Brutal]], [[Arahan întunecat]], [[Ochi zburător de deșert]],  [[Arcaș șarpe V2]], [[Buturugă Fantomă]], [[Conducător Setaou]], [[Golem de Piatră (Nivel 72)]], [[Câinele Iadului]], [[Joh-Hwan de atac negru]], [[Kyuk-Jan de atac negru]], [[Pho-Hwan de atac negru]], [[Soldat_Ochao]], [[Dilophosaur]], [[Rhinosaur]], [[Soldat de Atac Negru Rău]], [[Cenușă Flacără RX]], [[Câine al ciumei sălbatic]], [[Luptător al ciumei sălbatic]], [[Păianjen Soldat]], [[Comandant al ciumei furios]], [[Păianjen Gheară Toxic Rău]], [[Păianjen Otrăvitor Rău]], [[Lup Alpha Gri]], [[Young-Ji]]
<td style="padding: 10px; border-right: 1px dashed #88283a;">
*'''Cufere:''' -
<div align="center" style="width: 80px; border: 1px solid #35215f; border-top-left-radius: 10px; border-top-right-radius: 10px; border-bottom-left-radius: 10px; border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; box-shadow:2px 2px 5px #000000; background: #35215f; color: #dadada; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;">Level</div>
*'''Altele:''' -
<div align="center" style="padding: 5px; color: #88283a; font-size: 25px; font-weight: bold;">{{#if:{{{Level}}} | {{{Level}}} | <i>Not available</i> }}</div>
<!-- other information -->
<td style="padding-left: 5px; padding-right:5px;">
<div style="padding-left: 50px; padding-top: 10px;">
'''Classes:''' {{#switch: {{{wearable}}}
<!-- upgrade yang costs - numeric value only (no yang tag) ; blank if no costs -->
| warrior = Warrior
| ninja = Ninja
| sura = Sura
| shaman = Shaman
| lycan = Lycan
| 3 = Warrior&nbsp;Ninja&nbsp;Sura
| 4 = Warrior&nbsp;Ninja&nbsp;Sura&nbsp;Shaman
| #default = Warrior&nbsp;Ninja&nbsp;Sura&nbsp;Shaman
'''Buy Price:''' {{{Price}}}
{{#if: {{{Other}}}
<!-- 1st Upgrade Items -->
| <br><br>
'''Other:''' {{{Other}}}
<div align="center" style="padding-top: 15px;">
<div align="center" style="width: 150px; border: 1px solid #35215f; border-top-left-radius: 10px; border-top-right-radius: 10px; border-bottom-left-radius: 10px; border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; box-shadow:2px 2px 5px #000000; background: #35215f; color: #dadada; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px;">Origin</div>
|1stUpgitem5=2x [[Image:Amuletă de Ork.png|link=Amuletă de Ork]]
|1stUpgitem6=2x [[Image:Coadă de scorpion.png|link=Coadă de scorpion]]
<div style="padding-left: 10px; padding-top: 10px;">{{{Origin}}}</div>
|1stUpgitem7=2x [[Image:Ac de scorpion.png|link=Ac de scorpion]]
|1stUpgitem8=2x [[Image:Foarfece de scorpion.png|link=Foarfece de scorpion]]
|1stUpgitem9=2x [[Image:Sac Ouă de Păianjen.png|link=Sac Ouă de Păianjen]]
<!-- 2nd Upgrade Items -->
|2ndUpgitem7=1x [[Image:Oase de peşte.png|link=Oase de peşte]]
|2ndUpgitem8=1x [[Image:Scoică.png|link=Scoică]]
|2ndUpgitem9=1x [[Image:Scoică.png|link=Scoică]]
<!-- 1st Bonus Name and values-->
|Bonus1-Name = Apărare
|Bonus1-0 = 3
|Bonus1-1 = 3
|Bonus1-2 = 3
|Bonus1-3 = 3
|Bonus1-4 = 3
|Bonus1-5 = 3
|Bonus1-6 = 3
|Bonus1-7 = 3
|Bonus1-8 = 3
|Bonus1-9 = 3
<!-- 2nd Bonus Name and values-->
|Bonus2-Name = Viteza de mişcare
|Bonus2-0 = 3%
|Bonus2-1 = 4%
|Bonus2-2 = 5%
|Bonus2-3 = 6%
|Bonus2-4 = 8%
|Bonus2-5 = 10%
|Bonus2-6 = 12%
|Bonus2-7 = 14%
|Bonus2-8 = 17%
|Bonus2-9 = 20%
<!-- 3rd Bonus Name and values-->
|Bonus3-Name = Rezistenţă la săgeţi
|Bonus3-0 = 2%
|Bonus3-1 = 4%
|Bonus3-2 = 6%
|Bonus3-3 = 8%
|Bonus3-4 = 10%
|Bonus3-5 = 12%
|Bonus3-6 = 14%
|Bonus3-7 = 16%
|Bonus3-8 = 18%
|Bonus3-9 = 20%
<table width="800" cellspacing="0" style="border: 1px solid #88283a; border-top-left-radius: 10px; border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; box-shadow:2px 2px 5px #000000;">
<td colspan="5" style=" background: #88283a; font-size: 14px; color: #f0d9a2; padding-left: 10px;">
Upgrade Items and Stats
<td height="60px" style="border-right: 1px dashed #88283a; font-size: 10px;" width="160" align="center">
{{#if: {{{Costs0}}} | {{{Costs0}}}[[file:16px-Yang.png]] | No Yang Necessary }}<br>
{{{1stUpgitem0}}} {{{2ndUpgitem0}}}
<td style="border-right: 1px dashed #88283a; font-size: 10px;" width="160" align="center">
{{#if: {{{Costs1}}} | {{{Costs1}}}[[file:16px-Yang.png]] | No Yang Necessary }}<br>
{{{1stUpgitem1}}} {{{2ndUpgitem1}}}
<td style="border-right: 1px dashed #88283a; font-size: 10px;" width="160" align="center">
{{#if: {{{Costs2}}} | {{{Costs2}}}[[file:16px-Yang.png]] | No Yang Necessary }}<br>
{{{1stUpgitem2}}} {{{2ndUpgitem2}}}
<td style="border-right: 1px dashed #88283a; font-size: 10px;" width="160" align="center">
{{#if: {{{Costs3}}} | {{{Costs3}}}[[file:16px-Yang.png]] | No Yang Necessary }}<br>
{{{1stUpgitem3}}} {{{2ndUpgitem3}}}
<td style="font-size: 10px;" width="160" align="center">
{{#if: {{{Costs4}}} | {{{Costs4}}}[[file:16px-Yang.png]] | No Yang Necessary }}<br>
{{{1stUpgitem4}}} {{{2ndUpgitem4}}}
<td align="center" style="border-right: 1px dashed #88283a; border-bottom: 1px dashed #88283a; padding-bottom: 10px;">
{{Description NativeLook2
|height={{#if: {{{Bonus3-Name|}}} | 150 | {{#if: {{{Bonus2-Name|}}} | 130 | 110 }} }}
|name={{PAGENAME}}+0; y
|lvl={{#if: {{{LVL0|}}} | {{{LVL0}}} | {{{Level}}} }}
|text={{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text= {{{Bonus1-Name}}} {{{Bonus1-0}}}}}{{#if: {{{Bonus2-Name|}}} | {{#ifeq: {{{Bonus2-Name}}} | Movement Speed | {{Description NativeLook RedFont|text={{{Bonus2-Name}}} {{{Bonus2-0}}}}} | {{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text={{{Bonus2-Name}}} {{{Bonus2-0}}}}}}} | }}{{#if: {{{Bonus3-Name|}}} | {{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text={{{Bonus3-Name}}} {{{Bonus3-0}}}}} | }}
<td align="center" style="border-right: 1px dashed #88283a; border-bottom: 1px dashed #88283a; padding-bottom: 10px;">
{{Description NativeLook2
|height={{#if: {{{Bonus3-Name|}}} | 150 | {{#if: {{{Bonus2-Name|}}} | 130 | 110 }} }}
|name={{PAGENAME}}+1; y
|lvl={{#if: {{{LVL1|}}} | {{{LVL1}}} | {{{Level}}} }}
|text={{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text= {{{Bonus1-Name}}} {{{Bonus1-1}}}}}{{#if: {{{Bonus2-Name|}}} | {{#ifeq: {{{Bonus2-Name}}} | Movement Speed | {{Description NativeLook RedFont|text={{{Bonus2-Name}}} {{{Bonus2-1}}}}} | {{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text={{{Bonus2-Name}}} {{{Bonus2-1}}}}}}} | }}{{#if: {{{Bonus3-Name|}}} | {{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text={{{Bonus3-Name}}} {{{Bonus3-1}}}}} | }}
<td align="center" style="border-right: 1px dashed #88283a; border-bottom: 1px dashed #88283a; padding-bottom: 10px;">
{{Description NativeLook2
|height={{#if: {{{Bonus3-Name|}}} | 150 | {{#if: {{{Bonus2-Name|}}} | 130 | 110 }} }}
|name={{PAGENAME}}+2; y
|lvl={{#if: {{{LVL2|}}} | {{{LVL2}}} | {{{Level}}} }}
|text={{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text= {{{Bonus1-Name}}} {{{Bonus1-2}}}}}{{#if: {{{Bonus2-Name|}}} | {{#ifeq: {{{Bonus2-Name}}} | Movement Speed | {{Description NativeLook RedFont|text={{{Bonus2-Name}}} {{{Bonus2-2}}}}} | {{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text={{{Bonus2-Name}}} {{{Bonus2-2}}}}}}} | }}{{#if: {{{Bonus3-Name|}}} | {{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text={{{Bonus3-Name}}} {{{Bonus3-2}}}}} | }}
<td align="center" style="border-right: 1px dashed #88283a; border-bottom: 1px dashed #88283a; padding-bottom: 10px;">
{{Description NativeLook2
|height={{#if: {{{Bonus3-Name|}}} | 150 | {{#if: {{{Bonus2-Name|}}} | 130 | 110 }} }}
|name={{PAGENAME}}+3; y
|lvl={{#if: {{{LVL3|}}} | {{{LVL3}}} | {{{Level}}} }}
|text={{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text= {{{Bonus1-Name}}} {{{Bonus1-3}}}}}{{#if: {{{Bonus2-Name|}}} | {{#ifeq: {{{Bonus2-Name}}} | Movement Speed | {{Description NativeLook RedFont|text={{{Bonus2-Name}}} {{{Bonus2-3}}}}} | {{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text={{{Bonus2-Name}}} {{{Bonus2-3}}}}}}} | }}{{#if: {{{Bonus3-Name|}}} | {{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text={{{Bonus3-Name}}} {{{Bonus3-3}}}}} | }}
<td align="center" style="border-bottom: 1px dashed #88283a; padding-bottom: 10px;">
{{Description NativeLook2
|height={{#if: {{{Bonus3-Name|}}} | 150 | {{#if: {{{Bonus2-Name|}}} | 130 | 110 }} }}
|name={{PAGENAME}}+4; y
|lvl={{#if: {{{LVL4|}}} | {{{LVL4}}} | {{{Level}}} }}
|text={{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text= {{{Bonus1-Name}}} {{{Bonus1-4}}}}}{{#if: {{{Bonus2-Name|}}} | {{#ifeq: {{{Bonus2-Name}}} | Movement Speed | {{Description NativeLook RedFont|text={{{Bonus2-Name}}} {{{Bonus2-4}}}}} | {{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text={{{Bonus2-Name}}} {{{Bonus2-4}}}}}}} | }}{{#if: {{{Bonus3-Name|}}} | {{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text={{{Bonus3-Name}}} {{{Bonus3-4}}}}} | }}
<td height="60px" style="border-right: 1px dashed #88283a; font-size: 10px;" width="160" align="center">
{{#if: {{{Costs5}}} | {{{Costs5}}}[[file:16px-Yang.png]] | No Yang Necessary }}<br>
{{{1stUpgitem5}}} {{{2ndUpgitem5}}}
<td style="border-right: 1px dashed #88283a; font-size: 10px;" width="160" align="center">
{{#if: {{{Costs6}}} | {{{Costs6}}}[[file:16px-Yang.png]] | No Yang Necessary }}<br>
{{{1stUpgitem6}}} {{{2ndUpgitem6}}}
<td style="border-right: 1px dashed #88283a; font-size: 10px;" width="160" align="center">
{{#if: {{{Costs7}}} | {{{Costs7}}}[[file:16px-Yang.png]] | No Yang Necessary }}<br>
{{{1stUpgitem7}}} {{{2ndUpgitem7}}}
<td style="border-right: 1px dashed #88283a; font-size: 10px;" width="160" align="center">
{{#if: {{{Costs8}}} | {{{Costs8}}}[[file:16px-Yang.png]] | No Yang Necessary }}<br>
{{{1stUpgitem8}}} {{{2ndUpgitem8}}}
<td style="font-size: 10px;" width="160" align="center">
{{#if: {{{Costs9}}} | {{{Costs9}}}[[file:16px-Yang.png]] | No Yang Necessary }}<br>
{{{1stUpgitem9}}} {{{2ndUpgitem9}}}
<td align="center" style="border-right: 1px dashed #88283a; padding-bottom: 10px;">
{{Description NativeLook2
|height={{#if: {{{Bonus3-Name|}}} | 150 | {{#if: {{{Bonus2-Name|}}} | 130 | 110 }} }}
|name={{PAGENAME}}+5; y
|lvl={{#if: {{{LVL5|}}} | {{{LVL5}}} | {{{Level}}} }}
|text={{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text= {{{Bonus1-Name}}} {{{Bonus1-5}}}}}{{#if: {{{Bonus2-Name|}}} | {{#ifeq: {{{Bonus2-Name}}} | Movement Speed | {{Description NativeLook RedFont|text={{{Bonus2-Name}}} {{{Bonus2-5}}}}} | {{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text={{{Bonus2-Name}}} {{{Bonus2-5}}}}}}} | }}{{#if: {{{Bonus3-Name|}}} | {{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text={{{Bonus3-Name}}} {{{Bonus3-5}}}}} | }}
<td align="center" style="border-right: 1px dashed #88283a; padding-bottom: 10px;">
{{Description NativeLook2
|height={{#if: {{{Bonus3-Name|}}} | 150 | {{#if: {{{Bonus2-Name|}}} | 130 | 110 }} }}
|name={{PAGENAME}}+6; y
|lvl={{#if: {{{LVL6|}}} | {{{LVL6}}} | {{{Level}}} }}
|text={{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text= {{{Bonus1-Name}}} {{{Bonus1-6}}}}}{{#if: {{{Bonus2-Name|}}} | {{#ifeq: {{{Bonus2-Name}}} | Movement Speed | {{Description NativeLook RedFont|text={{{Bonus2-Name}}} {{{Bonus2-6}}}}} | {{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text={{{Bonus2-Name}}} {{{Bonus2-6}}}}}}} | }}{{#if: {{{Bonus3-Name|}}} | {{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text={{{Bonus3-Name}}} {{{Bonus3-6}}}}} | }}
<td align="center" style="border-right: 1px dashed #88283a; padding-bottom: 10px;">
{{Description NativeLook2
|height={{#if: {{{Bonus3-Name|}}} | 150 | {{#if: {{{Bonus2-Name|}}} | 130 | 110 }} }}
|name={{PAGENAME}}+7; y
|lvl={{#if: {{{LVL7|}}} | {{{LVL7}}} | {{{Level}}} }}
|text={{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text= {{{Bonus1-Name}}} {{{Bonus1-7}}}}}{{#if: {{{Bonus2-Name|}}} | {{#ifeq: {{{Bonus2-Name}}} | Movement Speed | {{Description NativeLook RedFont|text={{{Bonus2-Name}}} {{{Bonus2-7}}}}} | {{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text={{{Bonus2-Name}}} {{{Bonus2-7}}}}}}} | }}{{#if: {{{Bonus3-Name|}}} | {{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text={{{Bonus3-Name}}} {{{Bonus3-7}}}}} | }}
<td align="center" style="border-right: 1px dashed #88283a; padding-bottom: 10px;">
{{Description NativeLook2
|height={{#if: {{{Bonus3-Name|}}} | 150 | {{#if: {{{Bonus2-Name|}}} | 130 | 110 }} }}
|name={{PAGENAME}}+8; y
|lvl={{#if: {{{LVL8|}}} | {{{LVL8}}} | {{{Level}}} }}
|text={{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text= {{{Bonus1-Name}}} {{{Bonus1-8}}}}}{{#if: {{{Bonus2-Name|}}} | {{#ifeq: {{{Bonus2-Name}}} | Movement Speed | {{Description NativeLook RedFont|text={{{Bonus2-Name}}} {{{Bonus2-8}}}}} | {{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text={{{Bonus2-Name}}} {{{Bonus2-8}}}}}}} | }}{{#if: {{{Bonus3-Name|}}} | {{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text={{{Bonus3-Name}}} {{{Bonus3-8}}}}} | }}
<td align="center" style="padding-bottom: 10px;">
{{Description NativeLook2
|height={{#if: {{{Bonus3-Name|}}} | 150 | {{#if: {{{Bonus2-Name|}}} | 130 | 110 }} }}
|name={{PAGENAME}}+9; y
|lvl={{#if: {{{LVL9|}}} | {{{LVL9}}} | {{{Level}}} }}
|text={{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text= {{{Bonus1-Name}}} {{{Bonus1-9}}}}}{{#if: {{{Bonus2-Name|}}} | {{#ifeq: {{{Bonus2-Name}}} | Movement Speed | {{Description NativeLook RedFont|text={{{Bonus2-Name}}} {{{Bonus2-9}}}}} | {{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text={{{Bonus2-Name}}} {{{Bonus2-9}}}}}}} | }}{{#if: {{{Bonus3-Name|}}} | {{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text={{{Bonus3-Name}}} {{{Bonus3-9}}}}} | }}
{{Subpage|[[Main Page|Metin2Wiki]]|[[:Category:{{{Type}}}]]}}
[[ae:جزمة جلد]]
[[cz:Kožené holínky]]
[[en:Leather Boots]]
[[es:Botas de Cuero]]
[[fr:Bottes de cuir]]
[[gr:Δερμάτινες Μπότες]]
[[hu:Bőr csizma]]
[[it:Stivali di Pelle]]
[[pl:Skórzane Kozaki]]

Versiunea curentă din 2 martie 2025 23:07

< Metin2Wiki < Echipament < Cizme de piele
Cizme de piele
Cizme de piele.png
Cizme de piele.png

Clasă: Războinic Ninja Sura Şaman Lycan
Preț de cumparare: Indisponibil la NPC


Upgrade Articole și statistici

Nici un yang necesar





UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Cizme de piele+0
De la nivelul: 29
Apărare 3
Viteza de mişcare 3%
Rezistenţă la săgeţi 2%
[ Echipabil ]
Răzb Ninja Sura Șaman Lyc
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Cizme de piele+1
De la nivelul: 29
Apărare 3
Viteza de mişcare 4%
Rezistenţă la săgeţi 4%
[ Echipabil ]
Răzb Ninja Sura Șaman Lyc
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Cizme de piele+2
De la nivelul: 29
Apărare 3
Viteza de mişcare 5%
Rezistenţă la săgeţi 6%
[ Echipabil ]
Răzb Ninja Sura Șaman Lyc
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Cizme de piele+3
De la nivelul: 29
Apărare 3
Viteza de mişcare 6%
Rezistenţă la săgeţi 8%
[ Echipabil ]
Răzb Ninja Sura Șaman Lyc
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Cizme de piele+4
De la nivelul: 29
Apărare 3
Viteza de mişcare 8%
Rezistenţă la săgeţi 10%
[ Echipabil ]
Răzb Ninja Sura Șaman Lyc

2x Amuletă de Ork.png

2x Coadă de scorpion.png

2x Ac de scorpion.png 1x Oase de peşte.png

2x Foarfece de scorpion.png 1x Scoică.png

2x Sac Ouă de Păianjen.png 1x Scoică.png

UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Cizme de piele+5
De la nivelul: 29
Apărare 3
Viteza de mişcare 10%
Rezistenţă la săgeţi 12%
[ Echipabil ]
Răzb Ninja Sura Șaman Lyc
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Cizme de piele+6
De la nivelul: 29
Apărare 3
Viteza de mişcare 12%
Rezistenţă la săgeţi 14%
[ Echipabil ]
Răzb Ninja Sura Șaman Lyc
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Cizme de piele+7
De la nivelul: 29
Apărare 3
Viteza de mişcare 14%
Rezistenţă la săgeţi 16%
[ Echipabil ]
Răzb Ninja Sura Șaman Lyc
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Cizme de piele+8
De la nivelul: 29
Apărare 3
Viteza de mişcare 17%
Rezistenţă la săgeţi 18%
[ Echipabil ]
Răzb Ninja Sura Șaman Lyc
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Cizme de piele+9
De la nivelul: 29
Apărare 3
Viteza de mişcare 20%
Rezistenţă la săgeţi 20%
[ Echipabil ]
Răzb Ninja Sura Șaman Lyc

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